Monday, April 16, 2012

Become a CSI Investigator!!

Friends of Nevada Wilderness is seeking volunteers to conduct Citizen Spring Inventories in the Black Rock Desert. Citizen-scientist volunteers collect information on the health of springs in the desert. The data helps the Bureau of Land Management make sound management decisions, and it will help the BLM, the USGS and Desert Research Institute keep the springs healthy in the face of climate change and other challenges.
The Citizen-Spring Inventory program is a great way for people
to explore the Black Rock Desert and contribute information
that helps keep your public lands in Nevada healthy.

Learn more at Friends' CSI skills training in Reno, April 21, from 9am to 2pm, with a pot-luck BBQ at 2pm.

Contact Brian Beffort at (775) 324-7667 or brian@nevadawilderness for more information.

As a CSI volunteer, you will:
·         Hike and camp in remote and beautiful corners of the Black Rock Desert;
·         Become an expert with maps, compass, GPS and electro-conductivity meters;
·         Learn job skills important to natural sciences and public lands management;
·         Gain outdoor skills and confidence to explore backcountry settings;
·         Meet funny-looking bugs and shrimp in places you never expected;
·         Join a group trip with Friends, or seek your own desert solitude.

 Citizen Spring Inventories are great opportunities for families to spend time together in nature, where children can immerse themselves and learn about the natural world, while learning scientific skills that will prove valuable in school and future careers.

Become a CSI Investigator today. Call Brian at (775) 324-7667.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Training Session 2012: April 21 at Idlewild Park

Delightful discovery of fossilized sand dollars
in the Calico Mountains (photograph by Brian Beffort)
Become a citizen scientist! Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness at Idlewild Park on April 21 to learn how to use the equipment in Spring Monitoring Kits and fill out the forms. After that, you will be ready to start planning your own trip out to the Black Rock-High Rock National Conservation. Perfect for individuals, families, and small groups, these trips are customized by you, on your schedule.
Please contact for information and to RSVP.